Saturday, 14 May 2016

Life. 1.4 Apollonius was a "Thracian" native, born in the city of Tyana

"Life of Apollonius of Tyana" by Philostratus

Book 1

1.4   Apollonius was born to a wealthy founding native Tyanian family

"Apollonius' home, then, was Tyana, a Greek city amidst a population of Cappadocians. His father was of the same name [Apollonius] and the family descended from the first settlers [northern Greek Thracians?]. It excelled in wealth the surrounding families, though the district is a rich one."
- Philostratus in translation

Could this be translated
"The district is a rich one and the surrounding families excelled in wealth." ??

Image source

Caption: "In greek 'Tyana', in Latin 'Tyana'. Ancient city in Asia Minor, Cappadocia, at the center of today's Turkish Kemerhisar [district], 25 km SSW of Nigde. Existing [Surviving the] Hittite invasion, under the first Hittite king Labarna (c.1680-50 BC) it became a great religious center. Later it belonged to the Phrygians and Persians. It became a Roman colony in sec. II [100-200 CE?] and bishopric [ie: a district under a bishop's control; a diocese] in the first half of the next century [200-250 CE?] then passed to the Arabs [sic] (sec. VIII-IX) [800-900 CE?]. It was finally abandoned around Mille [1000 CE? after which it was absorbed into the Ottoman Empire 1259-1924 CE]. It is believed that there [in that place] was born Apollonius of Tyana, a philosopher neopitagorico [by neo-Pythagorean -  translated from the Turkish] [in the first ??] century AD."

Translated from the Italian using

Image source

Source "Ancient map of Thrace"

Map locator

Source  Modern day map showing how ancient Thrace would have covered southern Bulgaria, north eastern Greece, and far western Turkey beyond Istanbul/Constantinople/Byzantium.

Tyana - from the "Summa Gallicana"

Tyana (or Tyanna) was an ancient city of Anatolia, in modern south-central [eastern] Turkey. It was the capital of a Hittite kingdom in the 2nd millennium BC, and had a long history as a Greek city state... Tyana was a queen in Anatolia.

Tyana is probably the city referred to in Hittite archives as Tuwanuwa [and the region as 'Kizzuwatna' ? See the second map above]. In Greek legend the city was first called Thoana, because Thoas, a Thracian king, was its founder (Arrian, Periplus Ponti Euxini, vi); it was in Cappadocia, at the foot of Taurus Mountains and near the Cilician Gates (Strabo, XII, 537; XIII, 587). Xenophon mentions it in his book Anabasis, under the name of Dana, as a large and prosperous city. The surrounding plain was known after it as "Tyanitis" [and in later times, the Konya Plain whereupon is also found the ancient the city of Çatalhöyük which flourished from c.7500-6500 BCE.]

[My observation is that large portions of the Konya Plain have become subject to desertification. I feel there are three possibilities for this - (1) the ongoing ravages of war over many centuries (including the Crusades), impacting the region; (2) the removal of native trees and plants from the mid-19th century onwards (as all over the world) in an attempt to mechanise farming; (3) a change in environmental conditions due to the natural cycling of Earth through Ice Ages and warmer periods. We are currently in a naturally occurring "warming" period. We now take note of this plain as being a fairly fragile environment. My belief is that it was a flourishing, abundant, fertile floodplain (fed by the Taurus Mountains) in times gone past. What else could account for the plain being such a heavily populated area from 8000-5500 BCE? There must have been a way to sustain human life - ie: through food production.]

Image - Konya Plain, eastern modern day Turkey

[Tyana] was in a strategic position on the road to Syria via the Cilician Gates. It is the reputed birth-place of the celebrated philosopher (and reputed magician) [sic] Apollonius of Tyana in the first century. Under Roman Emperor Caracalla the city became "Antoniana colonia Tyana". After having sided with Queen Zenobia of Palmyra it was captured by Aurelian [Lucius Domitius Aurelianus Augustus, ie: not Marcus Aurelius] in 272, who would not allow his soldiers to sack it, allegedly because Apollonius appeared to him [posthumously], pleading for its safety.

In 371, Emperor Valens created a second province of Cappadocia, Cappadocia Secunda, of which Tyana became the metropolis. The ruins of Tyana are at modern Kemerhisar, three miles south of Nigde (in the former Ottoman province of Konya); there are remains of a Roman aqueduct and of cave cemeteries and sepulchral grottoes.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

A long haired, bearded, white robed man who calmed the seas: Apollonius

Image source

I believe his name was actually "Apollonius of Tyana". He lived at the same time as the Roman-created Iesus Christus and worked many miracles during his life. He studied in Anatolia (Turkey) in Pythagoreanism, then went to India for a long time where he embraced the Vedic truths as well. That's why there's a 'mythology' about "Jesus being in India", because who they're really talking about is this "Apollonius of Tyana" who was an actual documented man. Jesus cannot be found. Nothing in Archaeology or written documentation of the time, has ever put a 'Jesus of Nazareth' on the map in Judea (Roman Palestine) in the years 4-37AD. However, Apollonius the man, was living in Palestine from around 33-38 AD, after he'd finished 10 years training in the Pythagorean school. The final 5 years of Apollonius's training was spent in silence, in accord with the teaching of Pythagoras (570-495 BCE). After his silence, he began "his mission". The 5 years of silence was the 'final rite of passage' before he could present himself to the world as a Pythagorean sophist (philosopher). Interesting man. But yes!! Apollonius who did miracles, raised the dead and calmed the seas was living in Roman Judea from 33-38 AD !!

So was he in fact, the 'character' that the Roman elite families used to develop their stories in the New Testament, and upon which the whole of Christendom through "Roman Catholocism" is based ??

I wouldn't put it past them   :-/

Please note:  While there appears to be no living manifestation of Jesus Christ in the early first century, I do think there is a "Spirit" of "Jesus" that lives on. I think this name might telegraph to a much earlier time in history where there was a "supreme man" with this name who walked the earth. I am often aware of the presence of this "Jesus" figure, he has appeared to me in dreams, meditations and visions. He saved me from child abuse, he saved me from death - literally, on a number of occasions (i've had an extreme life). When I asked God to help me be healed in 1977 when I was in a Christian church (ie: in a Jesus-following church), I was healed. I have dispelled a demon breathing right in my left ear in 1975 by repeating the name, "Jesus". It took around 30 minutes, but slowly, it left. I have also audibly heard angels singing. It was amazing. These things do happen, and do exist.

So... From my life experiences, I can testify that there is most certainly a very close, friendly and personal presence who absolutely does help us when we call. These days, we call that presence "Jesus".  However... The existence of that actual man Jesus Christ from Roman Judea... He never existed.

That Roman Imperial story that was undoubtedly re-written many times through the centuries in order to make it sound more believable was devised purely to keep the "masses" under their control. That is the Roman Imperial way. We have not left the Empire.

The "good news" is that nothing... no nothing (not even the Roman Empire) can ever stultify, diminish, or negate the power of that presence with us whenever we ask or think of "him" (or "That", since it is genderless). It is all-embracing, all-compassionate, all-wise, full of patience, is kind, and is absolutely not in the business of controlling our earthly experience. That is where the two forks of the river part...

Rome is all about control. It's version of who and what "God" is, is all about control. The real Presence within all that is (in this very breath I am taking right now), is without favorites, offers no judgement, and allows us to have whatever experience we have come here to have. This is how "non-interventionist" this Presence is.

Why then would there be all of this suffering on earth if this presence were not "non-interventionist"? That is how gracious this Presence and Intelligence is... that the Open Hand who gives us life allows us to walk whichever path we choose (for our ill or for our prosperity), and doesn't intervene - until we are ready for an intervention. When we earnestly call, this Presence makes itself felt.

This is my experience, and this is what I have found from assiduous study - the two sides of one coin.  All of this comes from a Classical Studies degree with Latin (Roman Classical language) and 14 years of assiduous study in the Bible and absolute devotion to church activities and teaching. ie: I was never in church to objectively study "the guinea pigs".

Please test these things against your own life. There is a Presence. And...

The Roman story is fake!

Thank you all

- love Bronny NZ