Tuesday, 11 April 2017

How Rome ruled the world long after the Roman Empire failed.

Image from Wikipedia

The Jesus story is fake. The wise young philosopher who lived in southern Palestina from c.33-38 CE was a man called "Apollonius of Tyana" (c.4-97 CE). He studied in Greek philosophy and the mystic arts (quantum physics) from the ages of 16-28. After that, he went and lived with other ascetics like himself in south Palestine. He taught the people and did miraculous healings for the people - young, old, rich and poor, men and women alike. His teaching was the beginning of true altruism - he taught people how to live with each other and how to relate to their Maker. He was aged around 29-34 years old when he lived in Palestine... and nope - He never bumped into "Iesus Christus". That's because "Iesus Christus" is a composite figure made up by the Roman elite families.

Check it out... The Roman elites decided to incorporate Rome's favourite "saviour and sacrifice" religion, Mithraism (Persian Mithra was a sun God) into a story interwoven with the life of the very famous Apollonius. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mithra. One of the evidences that it was Rome who intentionally did this, follows. In the creation of their "true church", the Roman Catholic (meaning 'general') Church, they set up a hierarchical priesthood. This has the stamp of Rome all over it, being that Rome was a heavily hierarchical and patriarchal society. In the top echelon of priests are the "cardinals". The cardinals could only be from the elite houses of Rome - the Patricians. If you were a very good priest all of your life and low-born, you could never become a Cardinal. The selection of a Pope, the "priest of priests" who somehow metamorphosed into God "Himself" after his inauguration, could only be taken from the College of Cardinals. Are we seeing the picture here. All popes ever after selected were Roman elites... the elite families of Rome had set up their church so the elite families would continue to rule the world, long after the Roman Empire had fallen. Dirty tricksters!

Apollonius had 16 temples built in his honour by 200 CE, all over the Mediterranean world. They didn't worship Apollonius - but they recognised him as the one who taught people the "true religion" that connects people to their maker in very simple ways - through the heart. The Romans didn't like this at all... how could they? Rome's m.o. was "rape, pillage, conquer". You can't raise an army from the general population who is given over to the idea of "turn the other cheek" or who govern their lives by teachings such as, "he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword", and "give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's" - ie: your heart, mind and soul - a life of being in service to others. The Roman army was not about service to others, only service to self. The mercenaries of Rome put out their hands for the gold of Rome. To such men, money IS god.

Apollonius absolutely challenged "the establishment". His influence extended for 300 years and longer... right to this day. Just look around you at the number of churches that exist who teach this man's words of Love. By 300 Common Era (CE), all record of Apollonius was removed from the literature, and any copies of his biography were burned. Of course, they (the Roman elites) didn't find all the references to Apollonius. Mention of his name still exists in various letters and historic excerpts. And the 16 temples of the "true religion"? All of the temples built in honour of Apollonius to the "true religion" of heart, were all torn down, stone from stone by Rome - which has no heart. This religion was then morphed into "the Church of Rome", out of which all other Christian demon-in-nations have sprung. The citadels of Rome are full of witchery and child blood sacrifice and cannibalism of the baby flesh... of satanism and sodomy of the innocents to this day. All of these things are coming out into the open now #Pizzagate  #Pedogate  All memory of Apollonius was completely rubbed out... almost...

Thanks to some very brave people who were conservators at the Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt c.250 CE, a copy of "The Life of Apollonius" by Philostratus (finished c.230 CE) was smuggled out of the library before the Aurelian inferno was ordered AD 270–275. Four main arsons are known to be done against the library between 48 BCE and 642 CE - three of these were committed by Rome. At least two of these Roman arsons would have been done to hide the true human histories. The smuggling out of "The Life of Apollonius" would have been done at great personal risk to those brave souls who undertook that dangerous plan. It is them we need to thank. The copy was then "vanished" into the Arabian desert as it was then called, which is a region of north Saudi Arabia today. It's this copy, re-copied over the centuries, that tells us the true story of this man of love - Apollonius of Tyana - The great Pythagorean teacher and healer who lived in Palestina, Roman Judea from c.33-38 CE.

Philostratus' "The Life of Apollonius"

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Episode 2 - Apollonius of Tyana

Published on Feb 21, 2016
A short film about this mysterious Greek philosopher and holy man.